Mission and Action

New Science and Scientists

Make gun violence a top focus for Columbia scientists and activate gun violence research capacity and training across campus

  • Recruit scientists and scholars from a broad range of disciplines, especially those who currently do not participate in gun violence research;

  • Host professional development programs for early and mid-career scientists and create courses and scholarships for students interested in gun violence research and policy;

  • Create an information hub with up-to-date federal and private gun violence research funding opportunities.

New Resources and Recognition

Promote scientific investment and academic freedom in the search for solutions to gun violence

  • Instigate a campaign to raise $100 million in public and private funds for gun violence research, from ideas-incubation and seed-funding to support for project implementation;

  • Advocate for investment of state and federal dollars into gun violence prevention research at levels on par with other public health and biomedical crises;

  • Engage with media, policymakers, and the public to defend the scientific independence of any individual or group conducting gun violence research.

Reductions in Gun Violence

Produce and promote the implementation of scientific solutions that have been shown to reduce gun violence

  • Produce comprehensible and informative gun violence consensus reports that draw legitimacy from the Columbia brand and the best available science;

  • Activate citizen scientists and affected communities to bring to light new solutions to gun violence worthy of future study;

  • Promote scientific consensus conferences on gun violence research showcasing keynote influencers and programs.